My 2022 resolutions If I can do, or stick, to the following, things should get better, but will I?
1. Less wasteful time on twitter
2. Stop drinking all together or reduce by 95%
3. Move, either change physical location within county, or move out of State, I need a change.
4. Workout more, hit the weights more, like I use to.
5. Earn passive income, income not generated from physical labor.
6. Start on 'coaching business'
7. Successfully write and publish, and actually sell books
8. Meet someone who'll make my life fun and special again.
9. Stay physically healthy
10. Focus one 1 task, project, goal, at a time
2022 will be here soon, and will keep referring to this list over the year (not sure why I haven't done this year's past)
Update on resolutions1. Less wasteful time on twitter
This one I for sure have done, a rarely visit twitter now, it's basically become a useless platform for ordinary people, although I do still have accounts there, I just no longer waste time on the site, I basically will post a link, or ect, and then leave.
I don't spend more than 10-15 minutes on twitter a week now, if even that.
2. Stop drinking all together or reduce by 95%
It's been a battle, but ye, I've reduced my drinking greatly, and even as I type this am on a sobriety binge.
3. Move, either change physical location within county, or move out of State, I need a change.
Not able to move, not worth it for me yet, and rents going up everywhere, so if I move it really has to be justified at this time.
4. Workout more, hit the weights more, like I use to.
Ahh, I keep fit, not so much with weights, but I do and am keeping fit, and eat better as well, or just less junk food I should say.
5. Earn passive income, income not generated from physical labor.
Trying hard to, but still not there yet.
6. Start on 'coaching business
I have a registered life coach LLC, and did take a life coach course, but I haven't earned any money from it yet.
7. Successfully write and publish, and actually sell books
Actually, yes, I have written and published two books, working on the 3rd.
As far as profit from it...well..not so much, it's a tricky business book selling is, when competing against those who are allowed on major talk radio shows to promote their books in front of millions.
8. Meet someone who'll make my life fun and special again.
Nah, I haven't really met anyone special to me in 2022
9. 9. Stay physically healthy
For the most part yes, with bouts of pain at times which I think is associated with bad ingredients in food.
But if saw me in person you'd think I were in perfect health, or even some long distance runner type of athlete.
(I wish I had that type of endurance)
10. Focus one 1 task, project, goal, at a time
Ahh, so so, I still mainly do things off of a 'to do list', which can be good and bad, good in that always something to do, bad in that list can swell to 20 items and you end up focusing on non essential stuff, which ends up wasting time.
But over all, I think I've done a good job at living up to most of my 2022 resolutions...
What about you?