In a gloomy mood right now, must be my diet or lack of.
Or maybe just a string of negative events, encounters, with others, and other things.
Or maybe just being poor and broke, not knowing how to pay future bills, or all of the above.
I just know the world is very dark, you don't
notice that if and when loved, but if not 'loved', you notice it every day.
When you don't matter to anyone or anything (outside of surface job relationships), you notice quick how ugly the world is.
Even some cops are very ugly on the inside, regardless of the badge they wear on uniform, not all, but enough are, I guess after the thrill of wearing uniform wears off, and day to day routine patrol sets in, the human nature begins to surface.
Like cops that go out of their way to give people citations, parking citations, even something that little can be so disruptive to the average struggling person, why?
Cause Government makes it impossible to 'challenge' unless take whole morning or afternoon off from work, go downtown, wait in line, just to request hearing, then once that's done, a month or so later, have to show up to 'hearing'...
Well that's fine and dandy if way ahead on bills and can afford to take days off from work, but if not, what do you do? pay it, or 'take the warning'.
But even being given a 'warning' ticket citation can still be very annoying and disruptive if feel have the right to park where was parked since on private property, and since owners didn't complain, who the hell is the city to object.
And that's what I mean, stuff like that is totally at the discretion of officers, there's plenty of crap they don't enforce, like prostitution, drug houses, (they know where all the bad players are), yet decide to enforce, harass, tenant in complex over something stupid.
I could win in court, in that they said I was parked on the sidewalk, when clearly not, one picture would clear it all up, but again, that would mean time away from job = less money to pay bills with.
Unless could mail in objection or 'challenge'.
I hate that whole court environment.
Actually, I think I'd be good in such an environment, but I still hate such environment, just seems stuffy and fake to me, and you know all the clerks, Attorney's, Judges, and LEO's all look down on the rest of us as if uneducated imbecile.
You're meat when you go in there as average person who's struggling just to pay rent or other bills, where as around all these high paid State workers, Judges, Attorney's, ect, who are not struggling with bills, who dine with millionaires, yet you walk in there as a peasant, from the peasant class, and try to get respect from professional suits who hold their nose up to you.
It's like walking into a lions den.
And the only thing that protects them from you, in as far as intellect goes, is 'titles'.
Cause at a pool room, or sitting down at dinner, with no pretense or titles, would chew them a new one, and they no this, and is why keep their intellectual distance.
Real life is a more powerful lesson, school, than the Halls of City Hall.
I could prove this, but since only got a 'warning', no fine to pay, not sure if it's worth my time or expense.
And I never 'challenge', unless I already know I'm right, rule number one.
If I know I'm in the clear wrong, I never challenge, I just move on.
But if I believe I'm correct, I'll pursue until dead.
Officer said I was parked on 'sidewalk', which I clearly was not, again a picture would show this.
All I have to do is go into city code, look up 'statutes', get complex definition, and case over, cause one thing about statutes, is that you can't just make stuff up do to being lazy, you can't just 'invent' a situation that's not there, you can't take upon self to redefine 'meaning', that's not in the books.
I could take this to court and win, easily, but then what?
1. Would lose days of work
2. Would humiliate officer who would then, do to ego, seek revenge
And do I really want all of that?
Or I could just prove my case outside of court by simply writing a letter, court by mail.
And maybe I will, that way I satisfy my own need to 'correct' that which is in error without getting bogged down in the admin of it all, and of course letter would be passed around and spread 'within' which could still make me the target of harassment.
But you know what, maybe that's just life, and controversy is usually what propels you to greater things.
Enough on that, just got in, ready to relax, later.